Sunday, June 21, 2009

Susannah and her Dad

I guess since it was Father's Day weekend, Ben decided he could do whatever he wanted so he gave Susannah a haircut. I was thinking it would be a tiny little trim since her bangs were getting in her eyes a bit. But he goes and cuts like a whole inch! Maybe more! And it is not at all even!! He thinks it looks cool, like some sort of Scandinavian hipster baby haircut. I think it looks exactly like the kind of do I used give my babydolls when I was like five years old.

S was not into it at first.

Then she gasped and was all, "What did you do to my soft downy beautiful baby hair?!"

Then she thought, "I'm a baby, who cares."

In other news, the crawling is on! She really seems to enjoy being on the floor and is getting stronger every day.

Having fun with Dad, though the next haircut will be left to the scissors of a professional. Mom's orders.


Jill said...

Oh, the first haircut! Father's Day has its privileges. Love the photos.

Moonpie said...

New sign outside Lincoln Place:
Haircuts by Ben - Babies my specialty.

Moms beware!


PS: She does look really cute.

Unknown said...

So, does Susannah crawl into the kitchen and get into the tupperware cabinet? (She's probably looking for scissors to get even with Ben)
--Grandpa Paintbrush

Goddess Bride said...

My monkey is crawling and getting teeth! She is growing up way too fast for Aunt Kelly. Make her stop. Ben, I hope you enjoyed your one (and only) haircut. You all are wonderful. Love the pictures.

Aunt Kelly