Sunday, October 3, 2010

Looks like a bloody nose but it's only a scab!


Moonpie said...

What happened?? You can't show that picture and not tell us what happened. Must have been a fall on the pavment, bless her angel heart. Grandma Moonpie wants to make it better.

Uncle Matteo said...

Yeah you should see the other guy, right Susannah.

Beth said...
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Beth said...

There was a turf war in the playground, and Uncle Mateo was right, you shoulda seen the other guy. For years Susannah's name will ring out as the toddler best not to mess with when it's down to one swing on the swing set.

Actually, she was hopping off a step outside, which she was getting pretty good at, but this time she leaned her head too far forward and did a side face plant. on the sidewalk. Ouch.