Saturday she had a runny nose, Sunday night she started wheezing, Monday morning we had to go to the ER.
It seems she has pneumonia.
She is at Brooklyn Hospital getting round the clock care, breathing treatments, antibiotics and steroids. She is getting better but the progress is slow. Her oxygen levels (when she is off the oxygen machine) are not yet as high as they need to be. Not sure when we are going home; it is a day to day thing.
She can't move around much or even go that far from the crib because she's hooked up to the oxygen almost all the time. We've been watching A LOT of Baby Einstein. Mom and AL are here which has been so awesome and so necessary. Poor Ben is working and not feeling well himself. I am almost used to sleeping in pleather recliners that don't recline while the machines beep and the florescent lights go on and off and people constantly come in to do something (but when you actually need something no one seems to be around).
When we get out of this, I would like to have a magic bubble to seal her in for the next, like, 25 years. Because I can't do hospitals any more! No mo. no mo.