Saturday, February 23, 2008

still kickin it

Something lively is definitely going on in there..somersaults, drum solos, soccer games, or just punchin mommy for fun. Doesn't she look like she's having fun?

At this stage, nearly 7 months, the baby's brain is just as advanced as a newborn's. The baby's eyes are completely formed now and can perceive light. The baby can also hear, smell and taste and has been responsive to touch for some time. Some psychiatrists speculate that the ego, the "I" of the personality, is already beginning to form. (Thanks Sig Freud and The New Well Pregnancy Book).

Last week, Ben put together the Ikea dresser and then rocked out a little bit. He's looking forward to having someone else with superb musical taste around the house. Finally.



Beth's recent nesting activities have included organizing kitchen cabinets in super-anal fashion, dusting lampshades, cleaning candle wax off candle holders in super slow and inefficient manner, and removing god knows how many years of lint from the air vents. Ben has learned to smile and nod.


Corinne said...

this is the funniest thing EVER!!! I've never "blogged" and this is going to be great fun!!!!

moon pie said...

Baby momma looks zoned out; Baby momma needs lots of baby presents to make her feel better.