Thursday, August 28, 2008

Three Months Old Today!?

In the top photo little punkin is about two weeks old and the bottom one was taken this week. Lots of changes--more chub, more widow's peak and a lot more leg! Some things have stayed the same though. Susannah still hates that blue seat and still digs dad's jam sessions.


Moonpie said...

She hates it cause it constricts her movement - she's ready to rock and roll!

And she is a precious punkin'.

Genevieve said...

Belated happy 3 months! I did a little photo session before work yesterday for Benjamin's birthday - . If is amazing to compare the photos from a couple of months ago! Susannah does look like she's dancing in the new one - such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Those are great comparison pics. She is changing for sure. 3 months!

Anne Louise said...

Dear Mommy,

I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you for going back to school.. I really miss your boobs and having 24hr access to the sweetest milk and the baby talk, but I understand. I won't hold it against you.... unless I really want something later in life, I might bring it up. Just keep pumpin and adoring me.
Love, susannah liz