The only thing better than a baby at Christmas is two babies -- especially if one of them is not yours! We had a lot of fun this year at Dad and Sharon's because Susannah's cousin Willow was there with her parents, Jodi and my stepbrother Brad. Willow and Susannah are only a few months apart and they were great playmates. They didn't pull each others' hair and even shared toys!
Here they are sharing tips on how to manipulate their parents.
The girls with their grandparents -- getting all four to look at the camera at the same time was impossible.
Using Uncle Dakin as a play gym.
S and Uncle Brad
Cutie pie cousins
S patiently waiting for her turn on the cellphone.
December 24 was spent at the Collins, where Susannah, as you can see, had a number of wardrobe changes and ALL the attention.
Girl never says no to a banana.
Tell me more about this Santa guy please Moonpie.
Is that a picture of me in there?
She's good at throwing crayons, not so much drawing (yet).
Christmas morning we started at the Aplins with Jill's fabulous brunch. Clearly, mom hasn't had her coffee yet.
This is what S looked like after she finished her second breakfast of the day. (And to think, this time last year she hardly ate anything!)
checking her text messages.
We finished the day with Christmas at the McDonalds. I'm sad to say that our camera never made it out of the diaper bag though I am certain that someone somewhere got a few shots. Nevertheless, here's S with her great grandmother, the inestimable Mimi.
Though Ben and I got many great Christmas gifts, the best one came a few nights later, when, for the first time, we left Susannah with a group of her grandparents and spent a night at a beautiful spot called Gorham's Bluff, about an hour away from Chattanooga. As you can see, it was pretty awesome.
The Christmas update, though late, is fabulous. What a difference a year makes - now on to 2010 and an even better year for all! I'll bet you are studying right now, my precious Beth, and I hope Susannah is giving you some space. See you in February! Love GMP
so I maaaaay have checked out all of these photes as they were put in picasa or some other web photo site (hello stalker) but these are so lovely seen all together. I just LOVE little s with her head on the table. Also your getaway - indeed awesome. xoxoL
A good feeling down here in New Zealand to see that little face -- and a happy little face to boot!-- Jim
Hi Ben, Beth and Susannah. We are at the beach and there is a warm breeze blowing. You would love it here in NZ ... someday. It is a great world that allows us to check the blog and catch up on S's world in Brooklyn while we are so far away. Love to all of you. Jill
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