Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Obviously not a lot of photos taken over our fun weekend with the
Chandlers - the kids were moving too fast! In one, Paul and Susannah
are too busy (or too cool) to stop listening to Carly read a story and
smile for a photo. In the other, Susannah confidently navigates her
way home from Penn Station.


Moonpie said...

You should post the one of Susannah's little head upside down in the car seat -classic photo of a child who is worn out from so muCh fun. Glad you were with such good friends. Love you all, GMP

Moonpie said...

You should post the one of Susannah's little head upside down in the car seat -classic photo of a child who is worn out from so muCh fun. Glad you were with such good friends. Love you all, GMP