Sunday, March 30, 2008

Only 8 Weeks left!!

Only 8 weeks left (or thereabouts) and not too much to report at the moment except for the fact that the little squirt is taking up more and more room every day. In place of the intermittent kick, we get more of a sweeping, wave-like wiggle, which much to mommy's lament often ends with a foot in the ribs. It is also interesting that we are actually able to see him/her wiggling around in there - another of the many sci-fi aspects of pregnancy. It is a little more tiring for mom to walk/waddle around New York; Dad has finally cracked the baby books; and we are still kicking around (arguing about) baby names. Everything is just moving right along.

Roughly 8 weeks in.
Those were the days!

1 comment:

moon pie said...

Beth weighed 8'6" at birth and 6 pounds of her was HEAD.