Sunday, April 27, 2008

Holy $%@#$%!!! 4 weeks left??!

Beth contemplates how exactly this is going to play out.

Ben celebrates the eighty millionth baby thing he's put together. If anyone ever needs one of those IKEA allen wrenches, we now have about 90.

Stay tuned - only a few more weeks and it's baby pics from then on.


Anonymous said...

this baplin is SO a boy!!!!

Goddess Bride said...

My God! You are soooo pregnant! I can't wait to see that baby boy.

Love to you all,

Aunt Kelly

Anonymous said...

Dear God!!! I think you are bigger than when I saw you last week! Definitely there in June.

Thelofuzz said...

HUGE! is there a baby with a football helmet on in there? hahaha.
i wish ikea would give you money back for those things.