Baby Aplin weighs 3 lbs. 3oz, according to our doctor's visit this week. Has a cute looking nose too, and lately every once in a while he or she likes to kick mommy in the ribs. Ouch.

Baby Momma is having trouble sleeping at night, a common symptom at this stage. It's funny though because for years Ben has complained about how Beth is no fun and always goes to bed so early. Now he's the one who is cashed out at 11 pm while Beth is busy writing thank-you notes and scrubbing the bathtub. (Actually she mostly eats pudding and stares endlessly at Ohdeedoh,, an addictive design website devoted entirely to spaces and stuff for babies. Beware.)
Something cool about Baby Aplin: he or she can now tell the difference between light and dark! Apparently even babies at 30 weeks in the womb can follow a light source with their eyes. How amazing is that?
Now do you think the baby saw the camera flash on this one?
I think the babies really need some chicken fingers and honey mustard sauce to get them thru the next 10 days of RAIN. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
it's like a perfect circle. amazing. can't wait to see you guys.
that last comment was from ben of ben and anna
That last picture is a work of art and should be on the cover of National Geographic.
Hi lovelies - Maybe you want to consider preserving that beautiful orb? The buck does not stop at photos and blogs. Take your pre-baby memorializing to the next step with plaster forms of your belly. For realsies. check it out baby momma:,9171,1727691,00.html
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